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In a League of Her Own

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Grace Malloy has been engaging in her favorite pastime since 1955. She took up bowling at the age of 32. Now, at 100, she’s still bowling. While she claims she’s not as good as she used to be, she’s still bowling strikes. Grace, according to all who know her, she is in a league of her own.

She says the secret to her longevity is to keep walking and keep busy. Grace takes her own advice as a member of a weekly bowling league. Additionally, she bowls in tournaments and competitions all over California’s Central Coast. 

She regards the other league members as friends. Recently, however, a tournament was canceled due to several of her friends becoming ill. Grace is quick to say she was the only one who didn’t get sick. 

That’s not really a surprise. Grace is keeping her body moving, her mind in the game, and exercising her social skills – all while engaging in something she’s passionate about.  Sounds like living at 100% for 100 years to us!

In fact, Grace loves bowling so much she celebrated her 100th birthday with family and friends at her local bowling alley! 

Curious about Grace’s advice to seniors? Keep reading.

The post In a League of Her Own appeared first on The 100 Year Lifestyle.

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