Landi Family Chiropractic & Functional Health Coaching
Chiropractor in Chestnut Ridge NY 10977 & Hillsdale NJ 07642


Functional Health Coaching

Functional Health Coaching is a systemized approach, which identifies the underlying root causes while building a therapeutic relationship with the patient. When evaluating a patient, there are 3 components to a Functional healing systemized approach:

  1. Genetics
  2. Biochemical Individuality
  3. Lifestyle Factors

We look at each of these components and gather all of the data to put together a personalized plan. Any imbalances are then evaluated to see if further testing is needed. We continue to track and assess imbalances to obtain optimal health and wellness.

This program can be done in office or 100% virtual- Please contact us for more details on our virtual functional health coaching program.